turn around

...Hello. and welcome to my errr To Do list (its in here in place of what is supposed to be, the blog and site updates link you clicked on. until i actually put effort into this lol).
not exactly prioritized in the order theyre listed in, nor am i going from how close the pages are located from being linked on the main page/index, soooo like shake an 8 ball if you want a yes or no to am i working on x page next
like.. a fucking lot
DUNNO.. ill get to them when i feel like it. i change my mind and fuck around too much and am a little too depressed to be held to deadlines
get your site updates here
(04/06/24) entry 14 up
(04/03/24) links page updated with photos for each site. updated diary the other day too
(03/30/24) offline and diary up
(03/25/24) enstars page up
(03/23/24) made this, made links page, misc tweeks around the site as always
(03/22/24) made fandoms page and the prsk page
(everything before) i forgot
get your adrianna updates here
(3/24-30/24) nothing of note
(3/23/24) got my ear pierced (conch and helix) and it reminded me to make this page actually
about the pain, it really didnt hurt that bad initially (i wouldnt even say it really hurt to begin with), obviously like im getting a needle jabbed in my ear im gonna feel something but its not death and damnation. the only pain thats really come so far is feeling like someones been really grabbing at my ear where its been pierced. and.. also when i touch it. ive poked around there and to clean it a few times already and i feel like im going to throw up from anxiety because im so scared of touching it!!!! owww!!!!!!!
(3/22/24) headphones wires things broke..got a replacement and realized how bad my old pair was. glad to have fresh headphones from the headphone farm