im adrianna!!!! 11/11/08 she/he lesb;;;;; this is the web site of my Brain my Mind i want to keep myself here.. so! navi on the right table. graphics, links and shrines.. i havent yet gotten to most of them though. always a wip!!!! + me (song form)

pinterest blinkie has my account linked !!

cheesed to meet u. displays last 5 updates. follow my site


1.29.24 blinkies updated and linked!!

1.28.24 KURO BDAY SHRINE UP!!!! a few touches are still left but its 85% ready^o^

1.27.24 added stamps and buttons and blinkies below !

1.26.24 reworked the entire main site (what youre seeing now). switched the graphics links to their rentries while their pages are being worked on

1.25.24 hiatus over im back (watch)

+Favicons and pixels..................01
+Stamps..................................03 +Buttons..................................04
+Bookshelf...............................07 +Placeholder.............................08
+Pinterest................................11 +Spotify...................................12

+ Lovely Designs

link me!!